French is the official and common language of Quebec. It is the language of public institutions, work, education, communications, commerce and business.
French is also a common symbol of belonging and participation in Quebec society.
To learn or better master French, visit Apprendre le français at Qué This is the single point of access to French learning services for:
People aged 16 and over on July 1 preceding the application for admission and domiciled in Quebec:
- Immigrants
- Canadian by birth
Would you like to register for French courses at the William-Hingston center?
You have two options to do this:
Option 1
You can register online by visiting the Qué website.
You will first need to create an account, it is important to have an email address.
You will have to choose from the 2 possibilities below:
- Full-time courses
- Part-time courses
You will still have to choose from the 2 possibilities below:
- Courses for immigrants
- Courses for Canadian-born people
You then click on How to register
Full time – DAY
30h/week |
Part time – DAY
20h/week |
Part time – EVENING
12h/week |
Monday to Friday from
8h15 à 15h30 |
Monday to Friday from
8h15 à 12h40 |
Monday to Thursday from
18h à 21h10 * possibility of online classes on Thursday |
Option 2
Do you need help registering and submitting your application?
You can be accompanied by members of the William-Hingston center staff. We invite you to contact us for an appointment.
You can reach us at 514 596-4700 ext. 0.
French courses from the Quebec government are free.